Serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in northern France, southern Belgium and Luxembourg.

Monday, November 23, 2015

One and done

Y'all didn't see this coming. 

The good news is that despite recent attacks on France, the world-famous Marché de Noël will still be happening in Strasbourg, the capital of Christmas. The bad news is that I won't be around to see it. 

That's right, this Saturday we got transfer news. And they're booting me out of Strasbourg. After just one transfer. In the mission we call that a "one and done." For those of you keeping track at home, I have spent exactly half the time in each ville as the ville prior--Antony, 4 transfers (6 months); Liège, 2 transfers (3 months); Strasbourg, 1 transfer (1.5 months). I think this means I may only get three weeks in my new area. We'll see.

So my new ville is called Amiens. (If you wish to try to pronounce it correctly, saying "umm-yeah" quickly may get you as close as possible.) I'm told that everything good is happening in Amiens right now, as far as missionary work goes. Baptisms, progressing investigators, working with members, everything. The missionary I will replace talked to me on the phone just to tell me that (basically to say "don't screw this up for us please"). I'm super excited but a little nervous for the responsibility. But they tell me that Elder Smith, my new companion, works really hard so I'm excited to work hard with him. 

So... umm yeah. 

The pins are where I've served. Just for you visual people. 

Anyway. A new adventure sure to catch the next season of "I still don't know what I'm doing but it's awesome and I'll do it anyway."

District pictures
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Elder Stanford

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