Serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in northern France, southern Belgium and Luxembourg.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Living the life in Liège

Hey guys! Not a lot of time here. But I'm in Belgium!! It's honestly amazing here. The people are very open, I'm actually teaching white people sometimes, the branch is amazing, the fries are amazing, there are these things called mitraillettes that are just a heart attack inside a baguette, and our days are filled with lessons! All good things. We've got an awesome guy named Roger who's preparing for baptism in about a month. Elder Wheatley left this place in pretty good shape.

Coolest experience of the week: we met with a Korean guy this week, and he understood better than anyone the whole "pray to know if this is all true" thing. So at the end of the lesson he prayed and asked God to tell him if this is the true church. Then he came to church with us yesterday--all three hours! At the end he looked at me and said "While we were sitting in the lesson, I felt the Spirit of God. I know that means that this is the true church." And I got to tell him that yes, yes it is.

You guys. How cool is that!!

On another note, the branch here is awesome, and members actually participate in the work. If you're reading this, go talk to the missionaries about helping them!

Love you all! Bises! (But just one, because I'm in Belgium.)

Elder Stanford

PS My new address:

Elder Stanford
Les missionnaires
16-2 Rue Carlier
4000 Liège

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