Serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in northern France, southern Belgium and Luxembourg.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Au courant

Hey guys! Quick update:

Aurélien is doing really well! Our biggest concern was the Word of Wisdom, but he took it super well when we taught it and committed to live it fully. He's still praying daily, and now he even feels comfortable saying prayers out loud during our lessons. (:

Fred and Désiré, our recently baptized brethren, are both super solid still. Those are actually the two members we use to teach Aurélien haha. Members with responsibilities are more likely to feel like an important part of the we've been putting 'em to work!

We have two awesome new amis! Their names are David and Eale (pronounced Ay-a-lay, or, if you're Canadian, Eh-al-eh). You may remember that three weeks ago, at the beginning of the transfer, we hosted all the newly arrived missionaries--which includes taking them all out contacting in Paris on their first day. We call it "mothering," because it's like a mother bird teaching her newborns to
fly: first you show them how to do it, then you force them to do it, even if they're scared. d: Then you catch them if they fall.

Anyway, to get to the point, both of these people were found from mothering--a new missionary, led by an experienced one, street contacting. David is a homie! He's come to church twice already, loves it, and seems to be settling in nicely. He even volunteered to be a part of the church cleaning crew this Saturday haha. Once we teach him the first couple of lessons, a baptismal date will be in order.

Eale is a stud as well. He is a family man, living with his wife and son. (Hopefully he'll bring them to church and we can start teaching the whole family!) He's looking to have the constant companionship of God in his life--basically, he wants the Gift of the Holy Ghost, although he didn't say it like that. He's not the type of person to dive into a new life right away, but at least we know that when he makes a choice, he'll stick to it. We've also had better member support than ever so far in welcoming them! Mostly just four or five members who are working miracles for us. If you're reading this at those members when the missionaries bring their friends to church!

Aside from that, just a normal week full of little miracles, working, planning, and a bit of fun as well (: thanks for joining us. You are now au courant. Tune in next week!


Elder Stanford

La Mission Française de Paris

  One of like 76388 cathedrals in Caen

Caen Castle

Chateau de Fontainebleau

PS Sounds like you guys are having a ton of fun in Montana! Profitez-en. But sorry...despite your best efforts, you weren't able to make me jealous. I get to live with three good friends, not worry about income or expenses, rise above the social media smog, go suit shopping at Champs-Élysées, and best of all, preach the gospel with authority from on high. Boating will happen again, but these two years won't! But don't get too jealous ;)

You guys are the best! Love you all! À décembre I suppose. It strikes me that we may not even Skype again. Crazy. 

Be good!

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